The asparagus psychic has spoken, and it looks like bad news for Kamala Harris. According to the asparagus, a woman will be in the White House.
But it won’t be Harris.
Jemima Packington from Bath, England, who calls herself Mystic Veg, uses vegetables to predict the future. Last week, she looked at some asparagus and said that a woman would win the US election this November. She told ITV’s Lorraine that she thinks Michelle Obama will move into the White House in January.
That’s got to be news for Obama, who has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with the presidency.
Packington said, “I keep seeing that the next president of the United States will be a woman.”
After she made this prediction on the Radio 2 show last week, Christine Lampard from Lorraine spoke with Jemima through a video call. Jemima explained that she uses asparagus to predict the future. She throws the asparagus on a flat surface, looks at the patterns it makes, and then uses those patterns to make her predictions.
Jemima said it’s easy for her, though others might find it strange. She also mentioned that she’s been making predictions since she was a little girl.
After making this prediction on the Radio 2 show last week, radio host Christine Lampard talked to Jemima through a video call. Jemima explained how she uses vegetables to predict the future. She said she takes asparagus, throws it on a flat surface, and then looks at the patterns it makes to figure out her predictions.
Jemima mentioned that it’s easy for her, though others might find it a bit strange. She also shared that she’s been making predictions since childhood.
Christine noted that Jemima had accurately predicted many things before, like Brexit, Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister, and the Queen’s death.
Packington said she thinks Michelle Obama will win because of her experience with the White House. She mentioned that Michelle’s husband was president and she would get support from him. Jemima believes Obama has a good chance, even though “anything can happen in American politics.”
While looking at the asparagus, Jemima saw an ‘M’ shape, which she thinks means Obama would win. However, she also predicted some problems or conflicts during the nominations and elections.
Of course, the biggest problem is that Michelle Obama has removed herself from the equation. Kamala Harris stands alone on the Democrat stage now.
If you’re not into asparagus, another prediction seems to favor Harris for the presidency.
Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted 9 out of the last 10 U.S. presidential elections, shared his early guess for this November’s election on Friday. He thinks Vice President Kamala Harris will win.
This formula, called the 13 Keys to the White House, was created by Lichtman and a mathematician named Vladimir Keilis-Borok in 1981. It has been accurate in predicting U.S. presidential elections ever since.
Lichtman uses his “13 keys,” which are like rules or criteria, to decide if the party in the White House can stay in power during an election year. If the party in control is successful in at least eight of these 13 keys, it is likely to win. But if it fails in six or more of the keys, the other party is expected to win.
According to Lichtman, Harris has eight of the 13 keys. So far, Kamala Harris has met eight out of the 13 rules Lichtman uses to predict elections.
First, she didn’t face competition in her party because President Biden endorsed her and dropped out. There’s also no strong third-party candidate causing problems. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would need a lot of votes to be a real threat, which is unlikely.
Lichtman believes the economy is “doing well,” with no recession announced this year. Lichtman says the economy is “growing better under Biden than in previous terms.”
Biden has made significant policy changes since the last administration, which has helped Harris.
There haven’t been huge protests or unrest, and there have been no scandals involving Harris. Her opponent, Donald Trump, “isn’t very popular with many voters.”
Lichtman will give his final prediction in August, after the Democratic National Convention, but for now, his formula shows Harris is likely to win.
Predictions are fun but hardly dependable. No matter what Lichtman says, Harris will have a difficult road ahead of her. Most Americans will disagree with several of his “keys” in the current political landscape.
Besides, the asparagus has spoken, and she is out.