Breaking News /

Venezuelan Thug Kidnaps and Assaults Woman and Daughter in Nightmare Scenario Bragging “He Can...

Prairie du Chien is a sleepy town in Wisconsin, an example of small-town idyllic life in the Midwest. But now, the tiny town’s citizens...
e-crow /

Truth Bomb: Kids Today Don’t Understand How 9/11 Changed the World

For you and I, we understand how September 11, 2001, drastically changed the world. The moment those towers were hit, things changed forever. After the...
Philip Yabut /

Manchin Challenges Biden on IRA, Comes Out Empty-Handed

Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) knows how to leave a mess behind. The West Virginia centrist Democrat-turned-independent was pivotal in crafting one of the critical...
Vidu Gunaratna /

Burning Electric Car Batteries Shut Down 2 Freeways for the Entire Weekend

One of the most serious dangers of electric vehicles (EVs) that the government is not warning people about is the fire risk that their...
PitukTV /

Same-Sex Marriage Could Be Headed Back to the Supreme Court

Few things could have done more social damage to the fabric of America than the 2015 Obergefell vs. Hodges case, in which the Supreme...
r.classen /

Justice for J6 Hostages After SCOTUS Ruling 

In June, SCOTUS ruled that the U.S. government’s definition of “obstruction” was too broad. The implications were obvious. The Department of Justice went too...
Salty View /

2,000 Feared Buried in Landslide as Desperate Survivors Dig by Hand

A catastrophic landslide in Papua New Guinea's Enga region has left as many as 2,000 people feared buried under tons of rock and mud....
AF Branco /

Outrageous Alert: Columbia’s Vice Dean Caught Funding Anti-Semitic Squad Members

In the grand tradition of academic responses to a crisis, Columbia University's President Minouche Shafik has unveiled her master plan to tackle the recent...
Gints Ivuskans /

Is Biden’s Stutter Just a Political Ploy to Try and Be Relatable? Because Where...

Politicians often weave tales of their past to connect with voters, shaping their image through personal anecdotes. President Joe Biden is no exception, with...
mikeledray /

Building an Underwater Wall, Blocking the Sun, and Other Insane Ways Progressives Propose to...

There seems to be no limit to the insanity of progressive ideas proposed to stop climate change through a science known as geoengineering. And...