Another one of the central tenets of climate alarmism has been debunked by actual scientific data. A team of researchers from Norway, Sweden, and the California Institute of Technology looked at the entire history of satellite data over the ice shelf in Antarctica, dating back to 1979. The ice shelf has slowly and gradually become thicker over the past 45 years. It’s not shrinking. It’s not melting because of cow farts or hair spray. Colorado is not going to become oceanfront property any day now. Once again, climate “scientists” have been caught with their pants on fire.
While the scientists did find that there are fluctuations in the amount of ice from year to year, the gradual trend shows that the ice in Antarctica is thickening. All the other climate scientists must have missed that little detail for 45 years. No biggie.
Ask any doomsday climate cultist what they think is happening with the sea ice in Antarctica, Greenland, or the Arctic, and they’ll all tell you the same thing. It’s melting and we’re all going to drown, right? After all, the World Economic Forum’s website today states that the ice shelf in Greenland will melt within the next five years. They claim we’ll all drown if that happens.
Meanwhile, research published just three months ago showed that surface temperatures in Greenland have been getting colder for the past 20 years. How exactly are colder temperatures going to melt anything?
The only solution, according to their “scientists,” is for every nation to adopt communism and put the esteemed leaders at the WEF in charge. Oh, and eating bugs will fix this nonexistent weather problem, too.
Between 1979 and 2014, there was a prolonged growth in the sea ice around Antarctica. The satellite data shows this clearly and unmistakably. The size of the ice shrank a little bit between 2014 and 2019, but now it’s back to growing again.
A scientist at NASA’s National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, CO, claimed that the loss of sea ice in Antarctica in 2023 was “so far outside anything we’ve seen, it’s almost mind-blowing.”
The ice got bigger that year! Would the National Snow and Ice Data Center like to revise its statement?
A 2020 study published in the journal Nature showed that surface temperatures in Antarctica have remained static for the last 70 years. For those who don’t have a prestigious degree in climate science, that means that the temperatures are not getting warmer or cooler. They’re staying roughly the same. That doesn’t sound like a catastrophe.
None of the prophecies from this doomsday cult have ever come true. How could an entire field of science miss such a glaring error for 45 years straight unless it was intentional?
Climate “science” is a field of liars and charlatans. Their predictions are no more accurate than Tony Fauci’s claiming that wearing two masks will protect you from COVID. Nothing they’ve predicted has ever come true.
Just in the past year, we’ve seen teams of real scientists prove that carbon and methane are not greenhouse gases and are incapable of increasing the Earth’s temperatures. We’ve seen scientists prove that the Greenland ice shelf has been getting colder for the past 20 years. And now scientists have published new data in the journal The Cryosphere proving that Antarctica’s sea ice has been growing in size for 45 years.
The whole thing is infuriating when you realize that the federal government has spent trillions of dollars in taxpayer money on this fake problem over the past 25 years. The lesson, as always, is that global warming is fake. Tell your kids!