People looking to hop on Facebook or Instagram on March 5th found themselves largely unable to do so for most of the morning. While many could initially access their accounts, they ultimately were unable to log in. Those who weren’t kicked out only saw recycled posts and stories from hours or even days prior.
While getting a break from social media might seem like a small sense of relief, the timing of it was suspicious.
March 5th also happened to be Super Tuesday. A day when 16 states and one territory host their presidential primaries. Unlike in years past, this year we already know (largely) who will be on our ballots come November. With former President Donald Trump for the Republicans and incumbent President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket in November, nobody has challenged them here.
So when social media went down for most of the morning, the timing was oddly suspicious. Especially as many voting districts are decided within the first few hours of the polls opening. As a rule, Presidential primaries don’t yield a high voter turnout, so they are easier to call. By blocking out social media, the reminders to cast a ballot if you could wound up missing for most people.
Once the companies came back online, they scrambled for a reason to explain why Meta was down. As many people once again embraced Twitter/X during the downtime, it made people reflect on Musk’s trimming of the fat when he took over. As Citizens Free Press put it, “They said X wouldn’t survive laying off all its woke staff. Fast forward a year and Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube all go down simultaneously. X is still rocking tho, no interruptions. Are you not entertained.”
Color me surprised Meta was suddenly unavailable on this crucial day. It should make us all pause and realize just how much of a shell game this is with the liberals. They are shutting our access to the outside world as we know it off with the flick of a switch and seeing how we react. Just remember, when they do it because the Chinese are invading or because Biden wants to institute martial law, the signs were there.