Democrats are mentally incapable of coping with Donald Trump winning at anything. (So much winning!) They can’t accept a Trump victory in any circumstance or venue. You’d think it would have been the end of the matter when the Supreme Court ruled that all US presidents—not just Donald Trump—enjoy broad immunity from prosecution for official acts that they take while in office. Leftists just can’t accept that, however. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is now pushing legislation specifically to strip Donald Trump (and no other presidents) of official immunity.
Everyone in DC should have been thrilled by the Supreme Court’s sensible decision on presidential immunity. It meant that George W. Bush couldn’t be prosecuted for setting up CIA torture centers. It also meant that Barack Obama couldn’t be charged with double homicide for murdering two Americans in a drone strike without due process.
If Donald Trump doesn’t have immunity and can be prosecuted for politically protected speech—as the Biden Justice Department is trying to do—then Obama and Bush don’t enjoy immunity for actual crimes that they committed as “official acts.”
Under the American system of law, we’ve never prosecuted former presidents for their official acts. That’s banana republic territory. But now that the left is terrified that they won’t be able to steal the 2024 election, many of them realize that they will have to face the music during a second Trump term. Hence, the all-out effort from the intelligence community, the White House, the Justice Department, and the US Senate to stop him.
Schumer’s legislation would declare that Donald Trump’s actions to try to secure the integrity of the 2020 election were not “official acts.” Therefore, Trump and Trump alone can be prosecuted for asking questions about a presidential election.
Democrats always complain about how President Trump is “destroying norms and traditions” as they destroy norms and traditions. Schumer’s bill is the perfect example of this. Congress doesn’t pass bills that target one individual American. At least they didn’t use to. Congress passes laws that secure the rights of all Americans or prohibit an action by all Americans. Our country doesn’t pass laws that make the actions of one person illegal.
There’s always a “Trump exception” with everything when it comes to the Democrats. Joe Biden threatened to withhold military aid from Israel earlier this year. Nothing happened to him. But when they thought that Trump might have hinted at the possibility of withholding military aid from Ukraine, the Democrats tried to impeach him. That’s the Trump exception. It’s only illegal when Trump does it.
Schumer’s legislation will also try to force a code of ethics on the Supreme Court. He claims that the Judiciary branch of government has become “abusive” because the Supreme Court keeps making rulings that Democrats disagree with. The code of ethics would be an attempt to rein in the court and make them more obedient to Democrats. It’s going to be hilarious someday in the future when the court overturns that code of ethics by a 9-0 decision.
In announcing his legislature, Schumer snottily insisted that the Supreme Court had “effectively placed a crown on Trump’s head.” Trump is definitely living in Chuck Schumer’s head—rent-free. Schumer acts as if Donald Trump is still in office. How exactly does he have a crown on his head right now? Trump is a private citizen like the rest of us.
It all ties back into the Democrats’ fear about the 2024 election. Donald Trump is looking more unstoppable by the day. The Democrats won’t be able to credibly steal the election at this point if Joe Biden is the nominee. No one on either side of the aisle believes that Trump is legitimately beatable, so they have to stop him by other means.