A growing body of scientific literature is showing the same grim fact when it comes to the world’s mass vaccination experiment with the mRNA COVID shots. Countries that heavily vaccinated their citizens with this experimental treatment are now experiencing unprecedented surges in all-cause mortality. People who took the vaccines are dying and, in many cases, dying much earlier than they should have. This data has been consistent across the US, the UK, Canada, Italy, Japan, and now Germany.
Doctors at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria, along with a mathematician from Osnabrück University, have found that the COVID vaccines showed “no beneficial effects” for society. The vaccines did, however, cause excess mortality in German states to skyrocket among the vaccinated. The data is in a study published earlier this year, titled, “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
What the research shows is that excess mortality across Germany did not start until 2021. Excess mortality rates then doubled in 2022. This is the exact opposite of what the pattern should have shown if the vaccines had actually worked. German federal states should not have had more deaths in 2021 since that was the first year that the vaccines were available. You’d think that there would have been more deaths the previous year when the vaccines were not yet on the market.
People had largely forgotten or moved on from the COVID-19 pandemic by 2022. Masks and social distancing rules were sheepishly revoked by the people who never had any justification for imposing them in the first place. Nobody really cared about COVID any longer (and they still don’t), but there was another pandemic happening right in front of us. Far more people were dying from causes other than COVID.
German federal states with lower vaccination rates are experiencing fewer excess deaths, according to the researchers. Health officials scared people into taking the vaccines, or governments and employers outright forced people to take the shots. We were all told that this is the only way to stop people from getting infected and spreading the coronavirus.
Dr. Anthony Fauci even went on national television and claimed that getting the vaccine would turn your immune system into a brick wall of doom for the virus. If you get the vaccine, Fauci insisted, you can’t catch COVID and you can’t spread it to others. Your immune system becomes the place where COVID-19 comes to die!
Those were lies. The vaccine doesn’t prevent anyone from catching COVID and it doesn’t prevent them from spreading it. The next excuse that they invented out of thin air was, “But it could have been much worse if he hadn’t taken the vaccine!”
The signs of excess mortality are all around us. Rasmussen Reports found in a survey last year that every single American household believes they know at least one person who was killed by the vaccines. Actor Mike Heslin died this week from cardiac arrest at the age of 30. His doctors are pretending to be baffled by this, but none of the rest of us are. People in their 30s almost never died before the COVID vaccines came along and now it happens all the time. Mystery solved!
The medical community and the politicians have done tremendous damage to the world on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. If they were honest, they’d all be calling for an immediate global suspension of all the mRNA vaccines. How many more countries need to come to the same conclusion, that the shots are killing far more people than they saved, before people decide that they’ve had enough of this?