If you had to pick out the most radical figure in the entire Biden-Harris regime, who would it be? For many people, the clear choice would be Attorney General Merrick Garland. As the highest law enforcement officer in the country, Garland has proven to be a childishly petty partisan and recklessly dangerous when it comes to abusing the scales of justice. To add to the growing list of scandals surrounding the worst Attorney General in history, Garland has now been caught with his Justice Department goons spying on Representatives and Senators who had placed Garland under congressional investigation.
Garland has openly said in congressional testimony that he opposes the traditional, accepted interpretations of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. He hates the fact that his political opponents have individual rights that the government is supposed to respect. Garland has now made it clear that he also has no respect for the separation of powers between supposedly co-equal branches of the US government.
When Garland came under congressional investigation for his many abuses of power against the American people, the Department of Justice suppressed documents that Congress had subpoenaed. On top of that, Garland had his goons spying on the text messages, emails, and phone calls of congressional staffers from both parties. We know with certainty that the DOJ was spying on the investigative staff of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). However, they also spied on investigators working for Democrats in Congress.
This is such a clear violation of the separation of powers that Garland should be immediately impeached. The legislative branch is supposed to have oversight of the executive branch. When Congress says they want to see documents or hear testimony from individuals in the Justice Department, they’re supposed to comply. Immediately and without question.
Refusing to turn over documents and ignoring congressional subpoenas is bad enough. Garland sent Trump officials Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon to prison for ignoring subpoenas from Nancy Pelosi’s illegally formed January 6th committee. The DOJ sent Bannon and Navarro to prison for the exact same crime that Merrick Garland had been committing.
On top of that, however, the DOJ brazenly spied on Representatives and Senators and their staffers. The DOJ is supposed to go through the legal process to do something like that. They have to convince a judge that they suspect the congressmen and staffers of a crime and get a warrant. They didn’t do any of that. They just brazenly broke the law and spied on them with no justification, other than trying to cover their own butts.
A Justice Department, an FBI, and an Attorney General who view themselves as above the law and having no constraints is an actual “threat to democracy.” No American should want to live in a country where a secretive federal police force holds all the power. The Soviet Union and other countries have tried that. How did it work out for them?
We shouldn’t be surprised by this, given the track record of the DOJ ever since Merrick Garland took over. School board moms and Catholic churches were put under surveillance. Christians were viciously arrested and prosecuted for silently praying in the vicinity of abortion clinics. Peaceful January 6 protesters have had their lives destroyed after being arrested and imprisoned without trial. Donald Trump had 93 felony charges filed against him for things that aren’t even real crimes.
There’s a lot more at stake this November than just the presidential race. If Kamala Harris wins, she’ll likely keep Garland on as Attorney General for four more years. There’s no telling what he’ll do to America if that happens.