Germany’s leaders have allowed so many Muslim immigrants into the country since 2015 that German children are now a minority in many of the country’s schools. Since they now control a majority of the student population, the Muslims are doing what they always do to other people when given the opportunity. They’re forcing all the other students to convert to Islam. The same public school system that would expel a little girl for silently praying over her lunch is allowing this to happen.
In larger German cities like Berlin and Frankfurt, Muslims now make up an astonishing 80% of the student population. 80 percent!
The Criminal Research Institute of Lower Saxony studied the Muslim population and their interactions with German schoolkids and just released the results. A shocking 67.8% of the students in German schools now say that the Koran is more important than German laws. Let that sink in for a second.
In about 15 years, Germany won’t have any native Germans in elected political offices.
Almost 46% of students in German schools now believe that “Islamic theocracy is the best form of government.”
The report also sheds light on what’s really going on inside German schools today. The Muslim students—especially the boys—become threatening and violent toward German girls if they don’t behave according to the dictates of the Koran. German girls must cover their hair up at school or they’ll be threatened or attacked. If a girl is seen talking to a boy, the Muslims intervene and threaten to beat her up if she doesn’t stop.
When the Institute questioned Muslim students about their views on violence, they got disturbing answers. More than 35% said violence is acceptable against anyone who insults Islam or the “prophet” Mohammed. Meanwhile, 21% said that violence against Westerners is justifiable because Western civilization represents a threat to Islam. Another 18% said that violence is fine if it’s being used to convert others to Islam.
Muslim pop stars on TikTok are also spreading virulent propaganda across Germany. They tell their huge audiences of Muslim students and children that Muslims are “special,” while non-Muslims and especially Christians, are “worthless.” Many Christian German parents are now taking their children to counseling centers because they want to convert to Islam. It’s too dangerous for them to remain openly non-Muslim at school, and they want to fit in to make the bullying stop.
The head of the German Teachers’ Union called the study results “worrying.” He says that the solution will be to add more classes on democracy, German values, and the law. That goes to show how ignorant educators are about the threat of Islam. That plan literally wouldn’t do anything.
There are only two solutions to this problem. Germany could begin a mass deportation program and begin shipping millions of the invaders back to their home country. That will never happen. The other alternative is civil war. The Germans’ chance of winning that civil war diminishes with every year that passes since the Muslims are outbreeding them at an astonishing rate.
This is the future that awaits American children as well, thanks to Joe Biden’s open border policies. Millions of Islamic illegal aliens from Africa and the Middle East have flooded into the country, and they are already overcrowding American schools. In a few more years, we’ll start to see stories like this popping up in states like Michigan and Wisconsin. The alternative is to reelect Donald Trump and start sending these people back home.