As their time in the White House finally comes to a close (thank the Lord), the Biden regime is acting like a bunch of obnoxious teenagers on their way out the door. We know we cannot blame Joe Biden for the juvenile pranks they’re now playing on the American people. It seems like there’s a new insult for the voters every day. In their latest act to punish the voters for rejecting their failed agenda, Team Biden is banning efficient and affordable natural gas water heaters just in time for Donald Trump’s return to the White House.
We can’t even blame Joe Biden for any of this garbage. The media is finally admitting that Biden is a slobbering moron who cannot put two sentences together. He has never served a full day as a functional “president” because of his dementia. He’s only had seven Cabinet meetings in the past four years. Biden has not met with congressional Democrats since October 2021, because his brain is so non-functional.
Someone on Biden’s staff is now calling the shots and they are incredibly obnoxious (whoever they are). The Biden Department of Energy just issued a new rule that bans water heaters that do not meet rigorous “environmental” standards. The rule will not only raise manufacturing costs for companies that make natural gas water heaters but will also place a new and unexpected financial burden on the backs of American families.
If the regulation stays in place, 40% of the tankless water heaters on the market will be banned and phased out by 2029. Consumers will be forced to buy more expensive and less energy-efficient water heaters as a result. It will cost the average household $450 more to purchase one of the Biden regime’s preferred water heaters.
The new rule won’t actually do anything beneficial for the environment or the “climate crisis” (which does not exist). It’s just a childish ploy to cost people more money by meddling in the private sector markets. People would be forced to purchase more expensive water heaters from companies that donate to the Democrat Party. That’s all this is.
Why do Democrats have to be such sore losers every time they lose the White House? When Al Gore lost the 2000 election, the outgoing trailer trash in the Clinton administration stole the “w” off of every keyboard in the White House. Because the incoming president’s name was George “W.” Bush. Get it?
They’re like a bunch of juvenile chimpanzees smearing their poo on the walls for their own amusement.
We’re not even sure what they think they’re accomplishing at this point. This just creates another stupid rule that the incoming Trump administration will have to waste time overturning. President Trump has vowed to lower energy costs for Americans, which will in turn help to curb inflation. It will take about 5 minutes to write an Executive Order for Trump to overturn this stupid and pointless rule.
The good news is that President Trump will, in fact, nuke this dopey water heater rule from orbit. The Biden regime can pass whatever insane “climate” rules it wants to for the next couple of weeks and it won’t matter. These rules are all fake and they won’t do anything to impact global temperatures.
At this point, we just cannot wait for these people to get out of the White House so the adults can take charge once again. It will be nice for America to finally have a real president again since we haven’t had one for the past four years. We’ve had faceless bureaucrats who pull obnoxious rules out of their behinds running the country. This needs to end.